The pride is practically measurable.
I know he loves to draw, and so I ignore his complaints. You may think I am ignoring my child's needs, but I will tell you that I am doing just the opposite. I am listening to his whole body, not just his words. The sense of accomplishment he feels at the end comes from being pushed to face his insecurities, and it is up to me to do the pushing. It's a fine line, I know.
But isn't there something you wish YOUR parents had pushed you to do? And don't you regret it now?
Perhaps some day, Bennett will be as good as his teacher.
I wish I had been pushed to stay in band.
I wish somebody had pushed me to learn the guitar.
Yes, I wish I had been pushed to stay with ballet. I have let my kids drop things they clearly harte, but I ignore passing complaints when it is clear they have both the love and talent for something.
Awesome drawing...I wish I had been pushed to study harder, and go to grad school
i think my husband wishes his folks pushed him in certain sports but for me i think i wish my parents knew about the career world to help me out in, but my dad was a cop and both parents did not have a college education so they were not exposed to that world.
wow! he's good!
I wish I'd been pushed to stay in dance lessons. Does a 4 year old really know what they like after 2 lessons?
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