I'm going to attempt to write a few of my truths regarding the new Twin Peaks The Return. I'm not sure where it will take me. Trying to write about Twin Peaks feels sort of like entering the Red Room itself. Anyway, here goes...
Truth #1: I've only watched through episode 4.
Truth #2: The first time I watched Blue Velvet I was in college, and so stunned out of my everyday existence that I walked around for days in a daze, wondering if what I thought about the world was even real. I've been a Lynch fan ever since.
Truth #3: That said, regarding Twin Peaks, I'm only in it for the nostalgia.
Truth #4: I loved Agent Cooper with a fancrush love. Now he's gone (well, actually, there are more of him, but none of them are the one I loved), and I haven't fallen in love with any of the characters yet in the new series. This is a huge problem. At its heart, a show needs a sympathetic character to draw me in. The sympathy is gone.
Truth #5: Oh shit, there it is! Why David Lynch is still relevant. There is no sympathy in a world that has Bob in it.
Truth #6: I fell asleep twice during the past four episodes. (It was late, and I was soooo sleeeeppyyyyy...... but still). Well, damn, there it is again. The excessive slowness of the pace only serves to reveal our own shrinking attention spans.
Truth #7: When Bobby walked into the room, saw Laura's photo on the table, and cried, I cried right along with him. Classic Twin Peaks soap-opera moment, complete with Laura Palmer theme song. Thanks, Dave.
Truth #8: Twin Peaks The Return makes me laugh. Andy and Lucy's son telling his parents they can do whatever they want now with his childhood bedroom. Lucy's incomprehension about how cell phones work. Every time Cooper yells, "Helllloooooo" at the slot machine. Former psychiatrist Dr. Jacoby spray painting shovels gold. My favorite so far, though, is when Lynch, playing FBI Director Gordon Cole, says, "I hate to admit this, but I don't understand this situation at all."
Truth #9: OMG this moment!
Truth #10: If you understand this genus of funny, we can be friends.
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